Shirad Shahapur, Maharahstra

यह क्षेत्र श्री १००८ मल्लिनाथ को समर्पित है | यहाँ भट्टारक देवेन्द्र कीर्ति की नसिया भी है |

जिनालय में प्रवेश करते ही सामने गर्भगृह है जो पूर्वाभिमुख है | इसमें वेदी पर मल्लिनाथ भगवान की अर्ध पद्मासन श्यामवर्ण की ४ फिट ऊँची प्रतिमा विराजमान है | मूर्ति के कर्ण  स्कंध चुम्बी है | प्रतिमा के स्कंध पर जटाए बिखरी हुई है | मूर्ति अत्यंत मनोज्ञ है |

Shri Mallinath Digamber Jain Atishaya Kshetra Shiradashahapur is only Atishaya Kshetra of Bhagwan Mallinath, present all over India. This place is surrounded by hills and greenery from all sides and is located in between the natural environment. The river ‘Asna’ flows outside the village. In ancient times it was famous for the miraculous idol of Bhagwan Shantinath reverenced in ‘Shak-Samvat 1535’. But when miraculous idol of Bhagwan Mallinath was reverenced here, this place was started to be called as Atishaya Kshetra of Bhagwan Mallinath. Bhagwan Shantinath has been appreciated lot in storybooks, poems & prayers by Brahmm Jinsagar, Brahmm Mahatisagar, Brahmm Nemisagar etc. these books written in Marathi language. Bhagwan Shantinath Chaityalaya is about 1000 years ancient.

By Road: – Buses are available from Nanded, Vasmatnagar, Oundhha, Jintur, Parbhani etc. Buses & Taxis are available from Hingoli District Headquarter.
Train – Chaundhhi Railway Station is present on Purna-Khandva & Kachiguda-Jaipur line. Taxi is available from Chaundhhi to Shiradshahapur (7 km).

Nearby Places

Navagarh Atishaya Kshetra – 55 km
Asegaon Atishaya Kshetra – 32 km
Jintur Atishaya Kshetra – 55 km

